Saturday, April 30, 2011

Presenting for the 6th CDL Annual Conference - SUNY Empire State College.

Presenting for a conference in Second Life can be real fun! As part of Carol Yeager's presentation "Creativity and Integrated Technology for Lifelong Learning", I was able to present a short piece about my experience as a Teaching Assistant at SUNY Empire State College. During Carol's live f2f presentation, our avatars Couki Clary (Carol) and Sunflower Lionheart (myself) met at Conviviality Corners, Telmea Story (Glen Gatin)'s place in Second Life. The videocast I had previously prepared was embedded in an interactive whiteboard and the trick was done!
I would like to thank Carol Yeager for giving me the possibility to attend the conference even if I could not be in Saratoga Springs today and a special thank you goes to Glen Gatin for his hospitality at Conviviality Corners.
Here is the videocast with my piece titled "My Language Nights":

Here's the recording of part of the presentation in Second Life:

And here are a couple of pictures I took before, during and after the presentation with my friend Carol!

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